Much Bigger Much Bigger Much Bigger Much Bigger Very Much Bigger!
The tiny person in the first picture is Liz.
The second picture needs to be rotated right 90 degrees.
The third picture above shows Albert, our taxi driver for the day. He's from Mindanao.
The forth picture shows Albert on the left, three of the five boat guys on the right. Mr. Boat Guy is the middle one, whose head is barely visible. We're on our way back now, negotiations are over.
The last picture is testing the camera's panorama mode. This is four pictures "stitched" together. Very large, long download. But nice shot from the restaurant for lunch.
Here's some pictures from Liz that day, who seemed to shoot far more interesting stuff than me. Don't know where
I was looking...
This was a fun dish at lunch after the boat trip. Very small whole crabs, flash fried. You eat the whole thing, very crunchy the way french fries should be. Don't eat if you have a problem with tiny legs poking you in the jaw on the way down. Here's a larger shot.
The restaurant for lunch. It's on the outer ridge at mountain top. Over looks the volcano island and entire lake. Magnificent views!! That's me taking it in after lunch. To see my stuffed stomach better...
This is Liz sitting on the wall, nice picture with the island over her shoulder. I took this picture of her. To see the island in greater detail, click here
The picture I was taking didn't end up very well. Those horses were incredibly small, and you can see, would be made to carry two people. If you can judge how far below the lake is in this shot, that's a good idea of how far we climbed. And this was only halfway up. Some of those horses were hurting. To see the horse's grimace...